Gap Filling of Adjectives

Concept Explanation

Gap Filling of Adjectives

Adjective : - An adjective is a word that qualifies a noun. It adds something to its meaning. Adjectives are of the following kinds :

A)  Adjective of Quality : Tell the kind or quality. Examples : black, honest, beautiful, heavy, big, red, famous.

  • My boss is an ___________  person.  Answer :  My boss is an honest person.
  • This box is ________   . Answer :  This box is heavy
  • B ) Adjective of Quantity :  Answer how much ? indicate quantity. Examples : much,  little, some, enough, all.

  • I ate _____________  rice today. Answer : I ate some rice today.
  • He has only __________  knowledge about this project.  Answer : He has only little knowledge about this project.
  • C )  Demonstrative Adjective : Point out the person/thing. Examples : this, that, these, those, such.

  • ____________  mangoes are rotting.  Answer : These mangoes are rotting.
  • I can't forget _________  incident.  Answer : I can't forget that incident.
  • D )  Distributive Adjective : Denote one thing/person out of a whole group/class. Examples : each, every, either, neither.

  •  ___________ of my friend went to different colleges.   Answer : Each of my friend went to different collages.
  • E )  Interrogative Adjective : Used before nouns to ask questions. Example : whose, what, which.

  • ________  book was that?  .  Answer :  Whose book was that?
  • __________  pen do you like more?  Answer  :  Which pen do you like more?
  • F ) Possessive Adjective : Point out the person to which the noun they qualify belongs to. Examples : my, our, your, his, her, its, their, etc.

  • _____  computer is not working as fast as it worked in the beginning. Answer :  My computer is not working as fast as it worked in the beginning.
  • _________  father told us not to quarrel with anyone.  Answer :  Our father told us not to quarrel with anyone.
  • Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    Choose the best word  from the options given to complete the following sentences .

    The old farmer had __________ children of _____________ ages. He said that he would not leave until he gets his ___________ money back.

    Right Option : D
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    Question : 2

    Choose the best word  from the options given to complete the following sentences .

    She spent the __________ day talking about her pet projects . It was a ___________ project.  Then she said , you can make changes if you think it is _____________ .

    Right Option : B
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    Question : 3

    Choose the best word  from the options given to complete the following sentences .

    A man in a restaurant asked a waiter for a glass, a dinner plate, __________ water, a match stick and a lemon wedge. The man poured ___________ water onto the plate .

    Right Option : A
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